Between Seasons


I live in the piney woods of east Texas. It has been said, if you don’t like east Texas weather, wait a minute. That’s because we have been known to have all the weather in one day. You can wake up to frost on the ground, needing a coat, and in just a matter of a couple of hours, be drenched with sweat wishing you had worn shorts. This is the time of year when it is the worst, and it’s all because we are between seasons.

Early spring regularly experiences the Easter snap phenomenon. You think the seasons have changed, so you pack up all your coats and sweaters, then suddenly one day it’s cold again. It feels like the last season when you have actually progressed on to the next one.  This doesn’t just happen in the weather forecast, but it also happens in life. You think you’ve moved on to the next phase of your life, and all of a sudden it seems like you’ve taken a few steps backward. All the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of your previous seasons creep into your right now. This “snap” can leave you feeling frustrated because you packed up everything from the last season and you were ready for brighter days. But, don’t let it bring you down, because you’re still between seasons.

Let’s be real here. The temperature doesn’t determine the season; because regardless of how it feels, the calendar shows that you’ve made progress. It may be cold as winter, but your position says springtime. Eventually, the temperature in your life must submit to your position in it. You’ve moved on and developed past the last season of your life. Be confident in the progress, and don’t start unpacking all those emotions from the last season. Dress for where you’re going, not for where you’ve been.

It may take you some time to get used to your new season, but that’s ok. Just remember that you’re moving forward, not backward; and the further you go, the easier it will be to live in the season you’re in. Be encouraged. If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute; because this will change sooner than you think!

© 2016 Derek J. Murphy Enterprises, and I AM KINGDOM Publishing, All Rights Reserved

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The Art of Moving On