Two Things That Make Ministry Hard
I don't ever want to negate the hard work that goes into studying, planning, and executing ministry while performing some of the mundane tasks of pastoring, while also working a full-time job and helping to raise a family. All this may be true, but these aren't the reasons ministry is hard.
You Are Not Rejected
How often do we misinterpret critiques, corrections, and even rebukes as personal rejections, when they're really opportunities for growth and love? Click for more insight. #Parenting #GrowthMindset #Encouragement
Not The Same
You have been given a gift; a function to serve in this world. God gave it to you, for reasons that are all His own. It is very easy to look at what's been given to you generically, assuming it is the same thing others have been given.
Why Is It So Wrong To Feel?
There is a statement going around, that honestly makes me cringe just about every time I hear it. “They’re in their feelings.” It’s not so much the words that are spoken, it is usually the tone in which they are spoken. It usually sounds condescending, almost like mockery.