5 Things Derek Murphy 5 Things Derek Murphy

Just Be Quiet

Silence is a discipline. From the day we’re born, we are invited to speak. As we grow older, silence is an indicator of anger, sadness, and even depression, so people tend to just keep talking. Now we have social media, that continuously fills the air with noise. However, here are 5 circumstances in which it is best to just be quiet:

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5 Things Derek Murphy 5 Things Derek Murphy

Maximizing Now

“What are you worried about today? Will it still be a concern 5 years from now? If it is something from your past, can you change anything?”

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5 Things Derek Murphy 5 Things Derek Murphy

Love Is Not Easy

We've watched far too many movies that depict love to be the sappy, heart-fluttering moments of romance, that always end happily. While these themes are fun to watch, they are also misleading, because they make it look so easy. Love is very simple, but it is certainly not easy, and here are 5 reasons why:

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5 Things Derek Murphy 5 Things Derek Murphy

Passion & Purpose

Generation X, millennials, and the emerging generations are all about passion. However, I want to make sure that we understand the parameters of our passion. We have to be careful in this, "do what makes you happy" world, so here are 5 things you should consider as you are pursuing your passion:

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5 Things Derek Murphy 5 Things Derek Murphy

Why Do People Play Games?

What does it mean to play games? Playing games includes, but is not limited to, purposefully sending mixed signals, confusing people, and toying with emotions. People play these games in relationships every day.

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