Ashes To Ashes: 5 Unconventional Things to Give Up For Lent

This week Ash Wednesday is observed all around the world; marking the beginning of Lent. Lent is a solemn religious observance in the liturgical calendar of many Christian denominations that begins on Ash Wednesday and covers a period of approximately six weeks before Easter Sunday. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance of sins, alms-giving, atonement, and self-denial, by the means of giving up something that is dear. (Wikipedia, 2015) While many people are giving up cow’s meat, carbs, or caffeine, here are a few suggestions that might prove more beneficial:

1.   Complaining

I understand that sometimes you have to get things off your chest, but a complaining spirit is never a good look. There may be people in your life that love you enough to be willing to listen, but eventually, they become bogged down in your minutia. Complaining is like taking out the garbage in your mind. After you unload it and put it on the curb you go on with your life and forget about it. Unfortunately, that garbage doesn't magically disappear, someone picks it up and carries it. So, be mindful that complaining might make you feel better, but it could ruin someone else's day.

2.   Pessimism

Pessimism and complaining come from the same negative place; so then, the pessimist clutters up his mind with the garbage he will probably later complain about. Clutter happens when you hold on to stuff that isn't beneficial, as if it is vitally important. If you have ever watched a hoarding show, you have seen people keep stuff that should have long been thrown away; causing the home to eventually become unhealthy to living. This is what pessimism does to the mind. Yes, negative things may happen. Yes, you should be aware of risks. However, holding on to that negativity and focusing on risks only clutter your mind; making it an unhealthy place to live.

3.   Comparing

Looking at someone else's life and comparing yours to it, is so much more damaging than people think. There is no win in comparison. You may feel good to see yourself "doing better" than someone else, but there will always be someone else "doing better" than you. You won't ever be content or satisfied, comparing yourself to others. You don't need what they have to get where you want to be. You will never have to measure your life by anyone else if you make God your ruler.

4.   Self-Doubt

You mean to tell me, that God gave you gifts, and purpose; He woke you up this morning and presented you with opportunities to use those gifts, and you don't believe in yourself? If God has that much faith in you, why doubt yourself? Self-doubt and comparing come from the same place as well. You don't need what they have to get where you want to be. God is fully equipping you to be and do exactly what He has purposed.

5.   Faking

Whoever coined the phrase, "fake it till you make it", needs to be slapped. Hard! Faking the funk wastes way too much time and energy. Putting on airs places you under the assumption that you have something to prove to people. You have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone but yourself! Where you are right now isn't your destination, it is only a stepping stone. Not getting "there" first doesn't equal failure, so keep it one hundred.

© 2015/2022 Derek J. Murphy Enterprises / I AM KINGDOM Publishing, All Rights Reserved

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