5 Things a "Real Man" Can't Say
“Let's not create another generation of men who aren't allowed to speak from their hearts and share their fears. Speak life into the men in your life …”
A Conversation With a Rose
“Many of us guise dissatisfaction with misguided ambition, thinking that we will find peace and joy in a bigger house, finer car, higher paying job, or broader platform. None of those things will bring us the one thing that will shake that feeling: contentment.”
Maximizing Now
“What are you worried about today? Will it still be a concern 5 years from now? If it is something from your past, can you change anything?”
What Will Matter Most
“We live in a culture that values things, talents, and gifts, while simultaneously neglecting people.”
Apples To Pears
“God doesn't intend for our differences to divide us. Even in mathematics differences and division are two separate operations.”
Always That Husky Kid
There were many moments throughout my childhood when I was reminded that I was bigger than other boys. That fact made me awkward around other people (thinking) I couldn't be cool, or ultimately accepted by my peers because I was a "husky kid".
That Doesn't Make You A Christian: Cultural Christianity
“God overcame our cultures to reach us where we are, so why can't we overcome someone else's ethnic, social, or political cultures to simply love and respect them?”
Ashes To Ashes: 5 Unconventional Things to Give Up For Lent
The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer and self-denial, by the means of giving up something that is dear. While many people are giving up cow’s meat, carbs, or caffeine, here are a few suggestions that might prove more beneficial:
Maybe It's YOU!
“With this longing for relationship and the fulfillment that comes from them, there is also the reality that every relationship comes to an end.”
Who Are You?
There is this notion that "respect must be earned." I've heard this all of my life and have pretty much always fallen in line with that thinking. However, the older I get the more I realize that this is NOT the way things should be.