One Brick at a Time

There is a man in my city, let’s just call him Mr. D, who owns a beautiful home; and I mean absolutely gorgeous. When he moved into this house it was built virtually debt-free. Mr. D is not rich, nor did he come into an inheritance. No, he didn’t hit the lotto, nor was there a big settlement check. He didn’t even make a big profit on the home he owned previously. The reason this was possible, was because this man was patient.

I’m not certain how long it took Mr. D to build his house, but it took him YEARS. His previous home was in an unfavorable part of town, it wasn’t in the best shape. However, he didn’t allow any of those circumstances to rush him. He was his own contractor, and he did a lot of his own work …. a little bit at a time. Folks laughed at him, made fun of the work in progress, but he knew the whole time, what his goal was. He didn’t allow the opinions of others to drive him. He worked at his own pace and ultimately reached his goal.

Those same people who laughed, are more than likely living in a home, half as nice, with twice the price tag. But because of Mr. D’s patience … well … I think you get the picture.

A great Old Testament leader, by the name of Nehemiah, started a building project in Jerusalem. The city had been destroyed by war, and conquering kings, but Nehemiah felt a burden to go back and rebuild the wall that fortified it. With permits, and resources in the place he began building, but while he worked, two men by the name of Sanballat and Tobiah, began to mock Nehemiah and his crew.  Sanballat, jeered at them saying stuff like, ” What are these feeble Jews doing? Are they going to restore it for themselves? Can they finish in a day? Can they revive the stones from the dusty rubble even the burned ones?” (Nehemiah 4:2b, New American Standard Bible)

Then Tobiah responded, “Even what they are building– if a fox should jump on it, he would break their stone wall down!” (Nehemiah 4:3b, NASB)

Even his crew got discouraged, saying “The strength of the burden bearers is failing, Yet there is much rubbish; And we ourselves are unable To rebuild the wall.” (Nehemiah 4:10b, NASB)

To all of this opposition, and negativity, Nehemiah never loses his focus. He says “I’m doing a great work; I can’t come down. Why should the work come to a standstill just so I can come down to see you?” (Nehemiah 6:2b-3, The Message Bible) In other words: Why should I adjust my plan and alter my schedule, to please you? People will do their best to make YOUR vision for YOUR life fit THEIR vision for your life. But no matter how long it takes you, listen to God and work your vision.

Time is not your enemy. While you see others moving in their respective gifts, operating in their callings and walking in their own greatness, don’t rush. Be patient. It is never too late to become great. People may see the rubble, and you may even get discouraged with the construction, but keep your focus on the vision. Be encouraged and build it: one brick at a time!

 “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9, NASB)

© 2016 Derek J. Murphy Enterprises, and I AM KINGDOM Publishing, All Rights Reserved

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