You Are Not Rejected
How often do we misinterpret critiques, corrections, and even rebukes as personal rejections, when they're really opportunities for growth and love? Click for more insight. #Parenting #GrowthMindset #Encouragement
Just Be Quiet
Silence is a discipline. From the day we’re born, we are invited to speak. As we grow older, silence is an indicator of anger, sadness, and even depression, so people tend to just keep talking. Now we have social media, that continuously fills the air with noise. However, here are 5 circumstances in which it is best to just be quiet:
Just Another Day
February 14th is a day set aside for lovers. It is a great day for couples to reaffirm their love for each other and give gifts to express that love. If this day does not apply to you ... STOP TRIPPIN'!
Things Change
No one knows how much you've grown, like you. You know exactly where you have come from, how you used to be, and how you have matured. You've changed.
5 Things To Remember About Your Harvest
“We may understand money, but most of us have no idea the significance of the seed and the harvest. If you have been praying to God for a financial harvest, here are 5 things you should know and remember …”
One Brick at a Time
Time is not your enemy. While you see others moving in their respective gifts, operating in their callings and walking in their own greatness, don’t rush. Be patient. It is never too late to become great.
The Art of Moving On
It’s been said, time and again, that everything that has a beginning has an end. However, we tend to always be surprised when relationships end.